WiFi Data Visualization

As a practice data visualization for our tagging game project, Data Leak, Ashley and I used wifi data that we gathered yesterday from Washington Square Park. We were able to pick up WiFi router information stored on some people’s devices using N.S.Heyy, a WiFi sniffer. The visualization shows roughly a 24hr period (N.S.Heyy was switched on and off). Those with a specific WiFi name are colored red, and the rest are colored gray. The distance to the center (our location) is measured by the strength of the signals. And the size of each circle is based on the number of probes.

Sample data and code is here.

Final iteration:

data vis4 from Jiashan Wu on Vimeo.

Without time scroller:

data vis3 from Jiashan Wu on Vimeo.

We started out visualizing each device based on its signal strength. This changed the distance between the device and our location.

data vis2 from Jiashan Wu on Vimeo.

N.S.Heyy sniffs out WiFi probing signals from devices. Screenshot of the interface.

N.S.Heyy sniffs out WiFi probing signals from devices. Screenshot of the interface.


  • Many devices broadcasted multiple router names. I wanted to list them all, but couldn’t figure out how to store the multiple names in connection to one device address.

Bit Bit Dance

For Physical Computing’s midterm project, I created Bit Bit Dance with my teammate Paul Hiem. Bit Bit Dance is a dance battle game controlled by custom made shoe sole sensors. Taking 8 bit music and graphics, we created a dancing character for each of the two players. When the player dances, the character also dances and 8 bit bitcoins falls into the character’s hat. When the time is up, the amount of bitcoins collected by each player is counted and displayed. 

Check out Project Fanny Pack: Making the Bit Bit Dance Controller here.



A player’s feet controls six different interactions:

  • Left heel up, left heel down, right heel up, right heel down each controls one of the character’s movement and each creates a different sound effect
  • Right heel pressed for a sustained period of time starts the background music and starts the timer
  • Left heel pressed for a sustained periord of time pauses the background music

Two LEDs attached the controller signals which foot is down or pressed, providing direct feedback to the player or observer.


Controller includes: enclosed microcontroller (Arduino) and circuitry, shoe sole sensors, and wires.

The casing for the microcrontroller is designed with an adjustable strap that can loop around a belt.

The casing is designed with an adjustable strap that can loop around a belt.


Bit Bit Dance software.

Bit Bit Dance software.