Project Fanny Pack: Making the Bit Bit Dance Controller

Bit Bit Dance is a dance battle game that is controlled by shoe sole sensors. We made each shoe sole sensor using foam, velostat, and conductive thread, following the same method as making a DIY flex sensor, which I had learned in the Costume as Game Controller class. Each sole contains two sensor areas, the front and the heel. They are separated so that we can read two independent values for the front and the heel.

Making the shoe sole sensor.

Making the shoe sole sensor.

Reading two values from the sole sensor.

Reading two values from the sole sensor.

Work in progress. We also tried to use the Flora, which didn't work out so well. Pressing on one of the sensor would also change the value of the other one.

Work in progress. We also tried to use the Flora, which didn’t work out so well. Pressing on one of the sensor would also change the value of the other one.

Testing the shoe sole sensor with another Processing sketch. Toes up to jump and toes pressed to run.

Testing the shoe sole sensor with another Processing sketch. Toes up to jump and toes pressed to run.

To easily connect and disconnect the wires to the shoe sole sensors, we soldered female pins to the conductive thread. When exposed, the Arduino and circuit would frequently get disconnected, especially when we move and the wires would tug and pull. So I made the circuitry more compact and secure by soldering everything onto an Arduino proto shield.

We soldered female pins to the sensors.

We soldered female pins to the sensors.

Soldered Arduino Proto Shield.

Soldered Arduino Proto Shield.

For the casing, I designed some angles to create a simple low poly look. We lasercut a piece of mat board and folded it origami-style into a box. Holes were cut out from the mat board to fit through the LEDs, on/off switch, USB connection, and wire connections.


An earlier version of the casing was made of acrylic.

An earlier version of the casing was made of acrylic.

User testing the controller and casing, which we loving  dubbed "the fanny pack".

User testing the controller and casing, which we lovingly dubbed “the fanny pack”.

Bit Bit Dance

For Physical Computing’s midterm project, I created Bit Bit Dance with my teammate Paul Hiem. Bit Bit Dance is a dance battle game controlled by custom made shoe sole sensors. Taking 8 bit music and graphics, we created a dancing character for each of the two players. When the player dances, the character also dances and 8 bit bitcoins falls into the character’s hat. When the time is up, the amount of bitcoins collected by each player is counted and displayed. 

Check out Project Fanny Pack: Making the Bit Bit Dance Controller here.



A player’s feet controls six different interactions:

  • Left heel up, left heel down, right heel up, right heel down each controls one of the character’s movement and each creates a different sound effect
  • Right heel pressed for a sustained period of time starts the background music and starts the timer
  • Left heel pressed for a sustained periord of time pauses the background music

Two LEDs attached the controller signals which foot is down or pressed, providing direct feedback to the player or observer.


Controller includes: enclosed microcontroller (Arduino) and circuitry, shoe sole sensors, and wires.

The casing for the microcrontroller is designed with an adjustable strap that can loop around a belt.

The casing is designed with an adjustable strap that can loop around a belt.


Bit Bit Dance software.

Bit Bit Dance software.