Circuit design: etching (second try) and surface mount

New design based on the same schematic.

New design based on the same schematic.

Since I was re-etching the board, I decided to try a new design. I used the same schematic as last time, but shaped like <3, just to make something fun.

Transferring onto copper.

Transferring onto copper.





Using acid this time.

After tinting the copper.

After tinting the copper. Almost there!

Surface mounting the LEDs and resistors.

Surface mounting the LEDs and resistors.

Done! Time to test. Moment of truth.

Done! Time to test. Moment of truth.

YES! It's alive!

YES! It’s alive!


Wireless connection with the Arduino Yun

IMG_4669Here’s another catch up post. Last week we built wireless controllers that would connect to a multiplayer pong game that Tom made. I used the Yun, and it was quite easy to use. I was able to access the terminal and use Telnet right from the Arduino IDE.

The push button on the far left made a connection or disconnection to the IP address that Tom provided. When it’s pressed, the yellow LED lights up. When the controller is connected, the white LED lights up. The two push buttons on the right printed “l” and “r”, which made the paddle in the game move left or right. They each corresponds to the green or the red LED lighting up.

Denny demoing the controller

Denny demoing the controller